The Birth of an Ovarian Cyst
The birth of an ovarian cyst during a normal menstrual cycle.
Women who undergo hysterectomy before age 35 may face significantly higher long-term heart risks, even if their ovaries are preserved, a study found Wednesday.
Transdermal estrogen therapy delivered through the skin modestly improved sexual function in early postmenopausal women, according to an article published by JAMA Internal Medicine.
Infection with Listeria - a harmful microbe that hides in many foods - is a known cause of miscarriage, stillbirth, and premature labor. Now, new research suggests it may pose a bigger threat of miscarriage in early pregnancy than previously thought.
Infertility affects a large number of couples and individuals who are trying to conceive. New research suggests that a daily low dose of aspirin may increase chances of conception for women with chronic inflammation.
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